Diversity in Psychiatry

Diversity in Psychiatry is the final project of the RPIP ( Recruitment and Positive Image Psychiatry) Working Group. This video is aimed at medical students to provide awareness of what a career in Psychiatry has to offer. One of the quotes from the interviewee that […]

What keeps you motivated?

What advice would you give to young psychiatrists? Why young doctors should decide to become a psychiatrist? What keeps you motivated? Enjoyment, inspiration and duty?

Kinder- und Jugendpsychiater zu Suizidfällen

Dr. Helmut Krönke (FA in der Niederlassung in Wien) informiert, wie und wo Hilfe in Krisen für Jugendliche möglich ist https://kurier.at/chronik/oesterreich/es-ist-moeglich-aus-jeder-krise-zu-helfen/307.670.756