Am 23. Juli findet das 18. IACAPAP Lunch&Learn Webinar statt. Thema ist “Infant Mental Health: A Dialogue on Cultural Context and Local Experiences with Lessons from the UAE”. Das Webinar ist für ÖGKJP Mitglieder kostenlos und findet um 10.00 Uhr statt.
Die Anmeldung erfolgt hier.
This presentation will overview the emerging field of infant mental health in the United Arab Emirates from a neophyte standpoint including the following highlights:
The universality of infant mental health (IMH) and attachment
Cultural nuances and how these intertwine to shape infant-caregiver relationships and patterns of attachment
Diversity in conceptions of gender roles, religiosity, parenthood, and child-rearing practices
Strides and challenges in establishing IMH-focused practices and interventions
Implications for innovative practices and service provisions
23.07. 10:00 -
23.07. 11:00 -
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