Dr. Kramer will introduce the program by describing Family Psychiatry as biological psychiatry. The three basic reasons are, 1) the human brain is a “social brain” primarily; 2) the organ system of the human brain is the Primate Social Organ System (PSOS), consisting of groups of brains in regular interaction with each other; and 3) the evolutionary social organization of humans is a relatively small group connected by kinship and early forms of marriage. Meaningful changes in the human brain occur through experience; the role of family psychiatry is to catalyze experience in the context of the PSOS. John Bowlby, who described himself as a family psychiatrist, named what is now called biological psychiatry as “physiological psychiatry. After the introduction, Drs. Kramer and Rahmani will have a conversation about Family Psychiatry. Dr. Kramer practiced family psychiatry for 32 years, and Dr. Rahmani has for ten years.
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16.11. 18:00 -
16.11. 18:30 -
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